My loyal and valiant people of Frutiger! On this hallowed day, I stand before thee as thy king, ruler of this fair and fruitful land. By the grace of the ancient gods and the strength of our ancestors, I have ascended to the throne that was once held by my forebears, whose blood courses through my veins. Their valor, their wisdom, and their unwavering commitment to this realm echo in every stone of our great castles and every whisper of the winds that dance through our fields.
I, thy King, do hereby proclaim my solemn vow to thee, the people of Frutiger, that I shall guard the prosperity of our kingdom with every breath in mine chest. Our lands are rich with the bounty of the earth; our people are strong and steadfast in their labor. The harvests grow tall in the fields, the rivers run clear and pure, and our soldiers stand ready to defend what is ours. By my crown, I shall ensure that Frutiger Land continues to flourish, and that all within these borders shall know peace and security.